June 8
Blessed Nicholas of Gesturi
Religious, 1882 - 1958
Brother Nicholas, known in the world as "John Medda" the son of John Medda Serra and of Pirama Cogoni Zedda, was born in the small Sardinian town of Gesturi August 4, 1882. On October 20, 1913, John Medda donned the Capuchin religious habit with the name of Nicholas. After his perpetual profession, he was appointed to the kitchen in the friary of Sassari. Despite his efforts, he was replaced and transferred to Oristano, Sanluri and Cagliari where he received the task of questor. Brother Nicholas was a man given to the silence noted in the Capuchin Constitutions Number 57. He was popularly known as 'Brother Silence'. When he spoke, he was always brief and focused on the prayer in which he was involved. He spent 45 years as a man of religious life in humility, penance, charity, silence and constant prayer. He died on June 8, 1958.
Brother Nicholas of Gesturi was declared Blessed on 3 October 1999.
God our Father, you taught blessed Nicholas to serve you in humility and simplicity, and to be attent on the greater things. Grant that we may imitate his example here on earth so that we may share in his glory in heaven. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.