Missionary Ministry
Our missionaries are the face of Christ
Capuchin friars have engaged in missionary work for most of their history and have seen their outreach to people around the world who do not yet know Christ as integral to their calling and their role in the Church. Capuchin missionaries lovingly work with the people in the mission areas they serve to help them to know Christ and to be the persons God has created them to be. By providing their physical and spiritual needs, our missionaries are very much the face of Christ to them and the missionaries truly encounter Christ in these people as well.

The missionary activity of the Province of St. Mary includes working in Japan and on Guam, as well as supporting friars in Central America, India, Africa and beyond by:
- Evangelizing and teaching the Catholic faith
- Establishing new local churches
- Encouraging, forming, and training local vocations as religious brothers and ordained priests.
- Reaching out to the poor and hungry, to widows and orphans, and to so many suffering from HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases.
- Promoting justice, peace, and dialogue with other Christian churches and non-Christian religions
These are missions, groups of friars who are dependent on us, the mother Province, and engaged in missionary work in a particular territory.
Custody of Our Lady Star of the Sea, Guam/Hawaii
Custody of Japan
Jesus said to His disciples, “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to all creation!”
- Mark 16:15