What makes the Capuchins so unique, however, is their emphasis on being contemplatives in action.

The Capuchin Franciscans are inspired by the life and ideals of St. Francis of Assisi- dedicated to serving those in need, living a simple lifestyle together as a community of brothers, and drawing closer to the Lord through common and private prayer.

While every person is called to serve God through humble service of our neighbor, there are many ways to live out this calling. The Capuchin Franciscans, like other Franciscan groups and other religious communities, aim to live the Gospel life in a spirit of fraternity, ministry, and prayer. What makes the Capuchins so unique, however, is their emphasis on being contemplatives in action.

In other words, the goal of each Capuchin friar, no matter what ministry he is engaged in, is to be a contemplative. But it does not and it cannot stop there. Once the friar sees and experiences God’s presence in every part of our world, he then works, in whatever way he is called to do, toward making sure that the light of Christ is not being obscured by ignorance, poverty, or injustice. The Capuchin friars, lay brothers and priests, are able to do this through an incredible diversity of ministries and opportunities that empower the people they serve to become the best persons they can be.

We thank you for your interest in the Capuchin Franciscans and we invite you to explore the rest of this web site to find out more about who we are and what we try to offer to the people of God. If you are a Catholic man between the ages of 18 and 40, we would like to assist you in your discernment process. We invite you to contact Fr. Erik Lenhart, O.F.M. Cap., Vocation Director, to learn more about our way of life and our ministries and answer any questions you may have.

Fr. Erik Lenhart, OFM Cap.
Vocation Director
(857) 615-3893

“Your vocation is the place God calls you to where your deepest happiness meets the world’s deepest hunger.”



“The next day John again was standing with two of his disciples, and as he watched Jesus go by, he exclaimed, ‘Look, here is the Lamb of God!’ The two disciples heard him say this and they followed Jesus. When Jesus turned and saw them following, he said to them, ‘What are you looking for?’ They said to him, ‘Rabbi’ (which translated means Teacher), ‘where are you staying?’ He said to them, ‘Come and see.’ They came and saw and they remained with him that day.”

- JOHN 1:35-39

Every person has been given a vocation by God, which is just the particular role in God’s Providence that each one of us has been given for the benefit of ourselves and of the world we live in. For those who think that they have a vocation to the religious life, it is essential that they explore just what it is that is attracting them to that life. It is essential that they “come and see.”

Capuchin Franciscans are lay brothers and ordained priests who have been chosen to follow the poor Christ as did their brother, St. Francis of Assisi. Inspired by the Good News of the Gospels, they first seek to encounter Jesus Christ in a personal and intimate relationship through a life of prayer, fraternity and ministry. In this experience Capuchin Franciscans are called to share Christ’s love with their brothers and all they are privileged to serve.


God is calling each of us to serve Him in the world and discernment helps us to discover just how He is asking us to do that.

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The Capuchins offer discernment weekends to potential candidates to our way of life so that they can see up close what we are all about and to get to know the friars better.

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Formation is how the men who join the Capuchins learn how to bring their religious call to life and how to learn a new way of being in the world in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi.


The various stages of formation help the men who have chosen to live the Capuchin life to gradually grow from a person who is concerned primary with their own needs to becoming one who also lives for God and for others.



Capuchins live a joyful life that revolves around fraternity, prayer and ministry to God's people.



Capuchins engage in many different kinds of ministries, all with the purpose of witnessing to the Good News of Jesus Christ and sharing what we have been blessed with those in need in any way.

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Come & See Discernment Weekend

New York, NY New York, NY

Curious about Capuchin life? “Come & See”! Spend a weekend in prayer, contemplation, Mass, and Adoration in our welcoming community of friars and other men discerning our way of life. […]

Come & See Discernment Weekend

Curious about Capuchin life? “Come & See”! Spend a weekend in prayer, contemplation, Mass, and Adoration in our welcoming community of friars and other men discerning our way of life. […]