Capuchin Franciscans Province of St. Mary
Have faith in God, shake off excess worry, and thank God ahead of time!

Capuchin Mobile Ministries
The Province of St. Mary of the Capuchin Order presents Capuchin Mobile Ministries, a ministry of spiritual care to people living on the streets. Showing mercy to the marginalized is fundamental to the Capuchin mission.
Watch this video to learn about our mission. Hear what this work means to the friars and to the volunteers who work with them.
The Capuchin Franciscans of the Province of St. Mary are men who strive to live the Gospel in the spirt of St. Francis of Assisi. Through their dedication to serving those in need, through their living simply as a fraternity of brothers and through their lives of prayer they seek to bring about the Kingdom of God here on earth.

Each one of us has a particular call from God to make us happy and to help make the world around us a better place. St. Francis followed the call of the Lord for him to give all that he had away and to live for the Lord and His people. If you think you may be called to follow in the steps of St. Francis as a Capuchin Franciscan, please explore the Vocations area of this website.
“Where there is charity and wisdom there is neither fear nor ignorance. Where there is patience and humility there is neither anger nor worry.”
SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI ( Admonitions- no. 27)
Capuchin Family Ministries (CFM)
Capuchin Family Ministries (CFM) is a ministry of the Province of St. Mary that touches the lives of thousands of young people and their families each and every year. All those who participate in CFM have their faith nurtured and are inspired to act on this faith in the world through service to God’s people. The Church, which Jesus mandated St. Francis to rebuild, is being rebuilt, one young person at a time.

Your gift to the Capuchins of the Province of St. Mary will help support their mission to take care of God’s people, especially the poor and those in any kind of need. Your gift will help with our many ministries; with the support our friars in formation; and with the care of our elderly friars who have served the Church for so many years.